If you need to contact a professor, please fill out the contact form with your details, the professor you would like to contact, and the reason for contact. Your message will be forwarded to the professor so that he or she can contact you. This procedure was adopted so that page readers do not collect emails to disseminate SPAM.

Full orientation

Mechanical Engineering On Energy And Fluids (3150)

Mechanical Engineering On Design And Manufacturing (3151)

Mechanical Engineering On Control And Automation (3152)

Specific guidance

Mechanical Engineering On Energy And Fluids (3150)

Mechanical Engineering On Design And Manufacturing (3151)

Mechanical Engineering On Control And Automation (3152)

Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231, Cidade Universitária

Prédio de Engenharia Mecânica e Mecatrônica, 1º andar, Sala ES-16

05508-030 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil

TEL.: +55 (11) 3091-5320 – TEL: +55 (11) 3091-9055 – E-mail: ppgem@usp.br or atendimento.ppgem@usp.br